W&M Men’s Ultimate


I was born in Massachusetts and am a senior pursuing a double major in Computer Science and Data Science. Outside the classrom, I serve as the president for the Men’s Club Ultimate team at W&M.


  1. Watching Sports
  2. Exercising
  3. Playing Chess
  4. Going to the Beach

Sample Script


I made this script so it can randomly generate passwords of a given length. A random seed can be given, that way someone can track the random seed and length they used for different websites, and regenerate the passwords when they forget them.

# File Name: randomPassword.py                                                              #
# Python Version: 3.8.10                                                                    #
#                                                                                           #
# Author: Bryce Whitney                                                                     #
# Last Edit: September 15, 2021                                                             #
#                                                                                           #
# Generates a random password using letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and symbols #

# Required Imports
import sys
import string
import random
import argparse

def generatePassword(passwordLength=10, randomSeed=None):
    Generates a random password of the length provided in the command line. 
    If no length is given, the default is 8 characters. The user can also 
    pass a random seed argument so they can reproduce their results. This 
    way they can track the seeds they used in a seperate file and regenerate 
    their password when they forget it.

        passwordLength [int] -- Length of the desired password. 10 characters by deafult.
        randomSeed     [int] -- The random seed to be used. None by deafult.
    # Create sets of characters
    LETTERS_UPPER = string.ascii_uppercase
    LETTERS_LOWER = string.ascii_lowercase
    LETTERS = string.ascii_letters
    NUMBERS = string.digits
    SYMBOLS = string.punctuation

    # Create list of all the possible characters

    # Set the random seed

    # Generate the password by sampling all characters and return it
    password = ''.join(random.sample(CHARACTERS, passwordLength))
    return password

############### Main Method ################
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Create an ArgumentParser class object for dealing with commandline args
    p = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Generates a random password using letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and symbols.")

    # Add an additional optional argument for the password length and random seed
    p.add_argument("-l", "--length", default=10, type=int,
                   help="Desired password length, 10 characters by deafult")
    p.add_argument("-r", "--randomSeed", default=None, type=int,
                   help="Desired random seed, None by deafult")

    # Read any commandline arguements sent to the program
    # NOTE: if -h or --help, the program stops here
    args = p.parse_args()

    # Generate and print the random password
    print(generatePassword(args.length, args.randomSeed))