My name is Grant and I am a junior at the College of William and Mary. I am majoring in Computational and Applied Mathematics and Statistics (CAMS) with a minor in Classical Studies.
About me:
  • I am studying to be a pilot. I fly Cessna 172’s (see above)
  • I love hiking and skiing


crosswind (.py)

I wrote my sample script to help with initial decision making when I am flying.
Every runway is denoted by the direction it is pointing to divided by 10. For example taking off runway 9 would indicate we are traveling to the east (90 degrees). Every runway has an alternate runway offset by 180 degrees, so the same strip of pavement serves as runway 9 and 27.

It is also important to take wind direction and speed into account. An aircraft should always be taking off into the wind, and never with a tailwind. The crosswind component is an important piece of information when determining if it is safe to takeoff or land on a particular runway.

# Author: Grant Luisi
# Date: 2020-02-07
# This script calculates which runway should be used based
# on the wind and calculates the crosswind component
# Required Modules
from math import sin, radians
import argparse

# Function

def crosswind():
    r = int(input('Enter a runway number (1-36): '))
    d = int(input('Enter wind direction in degrees (1-360): '))
    s = int(input('Enter wind velocity: '))
        # determining runways
        first_runway = r
        if first_runway <= 18:
            second_runway = r+18
            second_runway = r-18
        # determining the desired runway
        first_runway = first_runway*10
        second_runway = second_runway*10
        first_runway_degree_crosswind = abs(d-first_runway)
        second_runway_degree_crosswind = abs(d-second_runway)
        if first_runway_degree_crosswind>second_runway_degree_crosswind:
            desired_runway = second_runway
            desired_runway = first_runway
        # Calculating crosswind component if intial runway is preferred
        if desired_runway == first_runway:
            crosswind_component = s*sin(radians(first_runway_degree_crosswind))
            print('Use runway '+str(first_runway/10)+'. The crosswind component is '+str(crosswind_component))
        # Calculating crosswind component if other runway is preferred
        elif desired_runway == second_runway:
            crosswind_component = s*sin(radians(second_runway_degree_crosswind))
            print('Instead of your intial runway, use runway '+str(second_runway/10)+'. The crosswind_component is '+str(crosswind_component))
    except ValueError:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    p = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Calculates which runway to use and the associated crosswind component")
    args = p.parse_args()