This script takes each grade from the Spatial Data Discovery course as a user input and outputs a final percentage and letter grade.
#Calculate Course grade
#Hannah Slevin
#LAST EDIT: 2020-09-03
#This code requires users to input their percentage grade for each of the graded course assingments without the percentage sign.
#The program will collect each percentage grade and turn them into points that sum up to 100 and output a final percentage and letter grade for the course.
import argparse
# Main #
if __name__ == '__main__':
# --help command line description
= argparse.ArgumentParser(
parser = "This script will calculate your final grade based on the percentage grades that you input for each assignment.")
description = parser.parse_args()
# Calculating Percentage Grade #
#This program will calculate your Semester grade based on entering percentages from each assingment
#Create a list to store each grade
= []
grades #
#Before each section a line will print distinguishing which section of the grade is being taken as an input
print('Section 1: Discussion Grade')
#The user is prompted to enter a grade for each assingment
#The percentage grade will be cast as an integer an assinged to a variable
#Each percentage will be recalculated from percent to point, then appended to the grades list
#Discussion Grade
= int(input("Enter percentage grade for your Discussion Meetings: "))
discuss = (discuss/100)*24
print('Section 2: Assignments')
#About the Coder Grade
= int(input("Enter percentage grade for the About the Coder assingment: "))
atc = (atc/100)*5
#Utility Script Grade
= int(input("Enter percentage grade for the Utility Script assingment: "))
us = (us/100)*5
#Sparse Data Challenge Grade
= int(input("Enter percentage grade for the Sparse Data Challenge assingment: "))
sdc = (sdc/100)*5
#Conversion Script Grade
= int(input("Enter percentage grade for The Conversion Scripts assingment: "))
cs = (cs/100)*10
#PEP8 Assignment grade
= int(input("Enter percentage grade for The PEP8 assingment: "))
pep8 = (pep8/100)*5
print('Section 3: Reports')
#Reports grade
= int(input("Enter percentage grade for your reports: "))
reports = (reports/100)*24
#Print Section four
print('Section 4: Project')
#Project Grade
= int(input("Enter percentage grade for your project: "))
proj = (proj/100)*22
#print(grades) #uncomment to check that program correctly appended grades to grade list
#Calculate the sum of points for each assignment
= sum(grades)
total_pcnt #Print final perentage grade
print("Final Grade (in percentage points):",total_pcnt,"%")
# Calculating Letter Grade #
#Calculate letter grade based on grade distribution found in syllabus using a series of if statements
if total_pcnt > 93.0:
print("Final Letter Grade: A")
print("Congratulations on Superior Mastery!")
elif (total_pcnt >= 90) & (total_pcnt <= 92.99):
print("Final Letter Grade: A-")
elif (total_pcnt >= 87) & (total_pcnt <= 89.99):
print("Final Letter Grade: B+")
elif (total_pcnt >= 83) & (total_pcnt <= 86.99):
print("Final Letter Grade: B")
print("Congratulations on Good Mastery!")
elif (total_pcnt >= 80) & (total_pcnt <= 82.99):
print("Final Letter Grade: B-")
elif (total_pcnt >= 77) & (total_pcnt <= 79.99):
print("Final Letter Grade: C+")
elif (total_pcnt >= 73) & (total_pcnt <= 77.99):
print("Final Letter Grade: C")
print("Your performance is satisfactory")
elif (total_pcnt >= 70) & (total_pcnt <= 72.99):
print("Final Letter Grade: C-")
elif (total_pcnt >= 67) & (total_pcnt <= 69.99):
print("Final Letter Grade: D+")
elif (total_pcnt >= 60) & (total_pcnt <= 66.99):
print("Final Letter Grade: D")
print("Unfortunately, your performance is less-than-satisfactory")
elif total_pcnt <60:
print("Final Letter Grade: F")
print("Unfortunately, your performance is not satisfactory")
print("You will need to retake this course")