My sample script is from a project I worked on two years ago. It takes a message given by the user and encrypts it using a Caesar Cipher.
The Caesar Cipher, or the shift cipher, is one of the earliest and simplest methods of encrypting a message. It is a substitution cipher in which each letter is ‘shifted’ a certain number of places down the alphabet.
# LAST_EDIT: 2019-09-20
# This script uses a Caesar cipher to encrypt a text message
import re
import sys
def show_help():
Name: show_help
Inputs: None
Outputs: None
Features: Prints the help text when user uses the '-h' command flag
= ("FILE:\n"
help_txt "DESC: This script uses a Caesar cipher to encrypt a text message written by the user.\n"
"USGE: app_name [options]\n"
" ' ' no arguments runs the script\n"
" -h, --help shows the help text\n")
class Caesar:
Name: Caesar
Features: Class for encrypting and decrypting a message
History: Version 0.2
- added show_help function
- updated main to include error messages
Version 0.1
- original written in Fall 2018
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# Class Initialization
# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
def __init__(self, shift):
Name: Caesar.__init__
Inputs: str, shift variable
Features: Initializes the Cipher class
# Intitialize class variables:
self._encoder = [None] * 26
self._decoder = [None] * 26
= int(shift)
shift for k in range(26):
self._encoder[k] = chr((k + shift) % 26 + ord('A'))
#ord- numeric position of that character in ASCII
self._decoder[k] = chr((k - shift + 26) % 26 + ord('A'))
#adding the 26 makes sure the value never goes negative
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# Class Function Definitions
# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
def encrypt(self, message):
Name: Caesar.encrypt
Inputs: Message to encrypt
Outputs: Encoded message
return self._transform(message, self._encoder)
def decrypt(self, secret):
Name: Caesar.decrypt
Inputs: Message to decrypt
Outputs: Decrypted message
return self._transform(secret, self._decoder)
def _transform(self, original, code):
Name: Caesar._transform
Inputs: The message to be transformed and either encrypt or decrypt
Outputs: The transformed message
= list(original) # breaks it up by character
msg for k in range(len(msg)):
if msg[k].isupper():
= ord(msg[k]) - ord('A') # gives the ASCII location
j = code[j] # the new coded letter
msg[k] return ''.join(msg) # appends all the letters
if __name__ == '__main__':
if '-h' in sys.argv or '--help' in sys.argv:
= input("Enter The Shift Value to Encode your Message: ")
shift = input("Enter The Message You Want to be Encoded: ")
message = Caesar(shift)
if not re.match("^[A-Z a-z]*$", message): # Check command line arguments
if (message == '-h') or (message == '--help'):
show_help()print("Cipher only supports letters A-Z")
elif len(message) == 0:
show_help()print('Message not long enough to encrypt.')
= message.upper()
message = cipher.encrypt(message)
coded print('Secret: ' + coded)
= cipher.decrypt(coded)
answer print('Message: ' + answer)