My name is Minkyong and I’m a senior majoring in Computer Science.
I wrote this script to calculate all full-period multipliers between 1 and m-1 using the Lehmer algorithm. This algorithm is used to generate random numbers, because it can randomly give number between 1 and m-1 using different seeds. If you’re interested in learning more, I recommend reading the Wikipedia page or this slide.
# By: Minkyong Song
# Version 1.0
# Last Edit: 2021-09-24
# Calculates all full-period multipliers between number 1 to m, which the user will select.
# Full-period multiplier is a number indicated as 'a' which you will get all numbers between 1 and m-1,
# when you calculate the lehmer algorithm, ax mod m, for m-1 times.
# The lehmer algorithm is used to explain random number generator
# because it returns all number between 1 and m-1 randomly when you chose a different seed, x.
def lehmer_full_period_multiplier(a, m):
This function returns multiplier 'a' if the Lehmer Algorithm g(x) = ax mod m returns a full period
# List to save the number randomly number generated according to the Lehmer Algorithm
= list()
# Set the seed x as 1
= 1
x # Go through Lehmer Algorithm m - 1 times
for i in range(1, m):
# Calculate ax mod n and append it to the list
= a * x
ax = ax % m
# If the list of randomly generated number has all number from 1 ~ m, return the multiplier 'a'
if set(random) == set(range(1, m)):
def all_full_period_multiplier(m):
This function returns all full-period multiplier as a list.
The full period multipliers are calculated using lehmer_full_period_multiplier.
# List to save full period multiplier
= list()
# Go through lehmer_full_period_multiplier in between 2 and l.
# 1 was excluded because ax will be 1 * 1, which will give 1 for every mod.
# Thus, 1 cannot be a full-period full-period multiplier in any case.
for i in range (2, m):
= lehmer_full_period_multiplier(i, m)
# If the number between 2 and m is a full-period multiplier, append to the list
if a:
return full_period_multiplier
# MAIN #
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Get input from the user
# If the input is not an integer, make the user try again
while True:
= int(input("\nEnter the multiplier: "))
m except ValueError:
print("\nSorry, I only accept integer. Please try again.")
# Calculate and get all full-period multiplier of m
= all_full_period_multiplier(m)
# Print the answers
print("\nAll full-period multipliers: ", full_period_multiplier)
print("\nThe number of all full-period multipliers: ", len(full_period_multiplier))
# If there is any multiplier print the min and max full-period multiplier
if len(full_period_multiplier) != 0:
print("The smallest full-period multipliers: ", min(full_period_multiplier))
print("The smallest full-period multipliers: ", max(full_period_multiplier), '\n')
# If there is no multiplier, print that there is no full-period multiplier
print("There is no full-period multipliers\n")