Catholic-to-be, statistician-to-be, gamer, small-time coder.
In my free time, I like to play video games, though they are addicting. I also enjoy playing the piano (even though I can’t play the piano), and over the summer I started coding an application in Python, which will let you manage your portfolio (for stocks, cryptocurrencies, and other assets which I haven’t implemented yet). Turns out this coding project is quite a bit of work, especially because I want to make it so you it will tell you how much you owe in taxes…. which means I have to understand all those long IRS documents regarding capital gains, dividends, stocks, and I have to assume what taxation is like for crypto because it doesn’t entirely exist yet. I should probably create a github repository for it but I want to learn more about open-source licensing (like the GPL-3 and MIT licenses) first.

Sample script

nthPrime (.py)

#Written for Python 3.9 64-bit

#A simple script which allows the user to discover the nth prime number. (1=2, 2=3, 3=5, 4=7, 5=11, ...)

#I think this could be more efficient using a binary tree to store all the prime numbers in,
#and then you would only check if the current number is divisble by any prime number less than the current number's square root.
#but I got lazy and didn't feel like implementing a BST, so for now, don't search for prime numbers beyond like 100,000 or else the program take eons to finish computing
#It already takes like, 4 seconds to discover the 30,000th prime number. And that's with an i7-9750H

import time
import math

#Lets user define 'n', the neth prime number to be calculated

def floatLoop():
    while True:
        print("Please enter \'n\', to find the nth prime number. Enter \'q\' to terminate the program.")
        userinput = input(" > ")
        if userinput.lower() == "q" or userinput.lower() == "quit":
            if float(userinput) != int(userinput):
                print("||ERROR|| Invalid integer")
            elif int(userinput) < 1:
                    print("||ERROR|| Integer must be greater than 0")
                return int(userinput)
            print("||ERROR|| Invalid integer")

while True:
    #Discovers the nth prime number though smart brute-force
    n = floatLoop()
    start = time.time_ns()

    cur = 2
    curindex = 1
    while curindex < n: #Brute-forces through all the integers
        cur += 1
        prime = True
        divisor = 2
        for i in range (2, math.ceil(cur**0.5)+1):    #For every integer between 2 and the square root of the current number...
            if cur / divisor == math.floor(cur / divisor): #If the quotient is equal to the floor of the quotient, the divisor is perfect, the number is not prime. Skip to the next number
                prime = False
                divisor += 1
        if prime:    #If we discovered a prime number, iterate the current prime index
            curindex += 1

    time_ms = (time.time_ns() - start)/1000000

    #Prints the results of the calculation. Have to do some malarkey to make sure that the grammar is right for "1st, 21st, 11th, 111th, etc."

    lastdigit = str(n)[len(str(n))-1]
    last2digits = str(n)[len(str(n))-2:len(str(n))]
    if lastdigit == "1" and last2digits != "11":
        print("The " + str(n) + "st prime number is " + str(cur))
    elif lastdigit == "2" and last2digits != "12":
        print("The " + str(n) + "nd prime number is " + str(cur))
    elif lastdigit == "3" and last2digits != "13":
        print("The " + str(n) + "rd prime number is " + str(cur))
        print("The " + str(n) + "th prime number is " + str(cur))

    print("Discovered in " + str(time_ms) + "ms\n")